Clee Fields

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We are currently prioritising teams who wish to book evening sessions on an annual service level agreement. 


This means that you will commit to an all year round booking as follows: 


30 weeks priced at £25 per quarter pitch and then 18 weeks booked at £15 per quarter pitch. There will then be a 4-week break, dates to be decided.


Signing up to an annual agreement means that you will be offered to keep your booking for the following season if you have followed the terms of use around care of the pitch and payments being made within 14 days of invoice.


If you wish to book for annual use as set out above, please reply with your preferences. We will need to know team name, age group, day and time you require.  Please note that there is not much availability between 6pm and 8pm, Monday – Thursday currently.  It would be useful if you could send through 1st, 2nd and 3rd preferences for your training requirements so that we can accommodate your needs as quickly as possible. 

If you require football season only and not an annual agreement, you will be in the next phase so please don’t send your requirements through at this point.  We will contact you again shortly.

For those of you who aren’t aware, there are 2 full size 3G pitches and marked within each pitch is 9v9, 7v7 and 5v5 pitches.  For evening training sessions, we anticipate most clubs will want to book a quarter pitch. As such there are 8 available slots every hour 4pm – 10pm. 


For any enquiries please email: 


You can view our 'terms of use' here.

Clee Fields Facility