Student Placement

The benefits
You will be able to apply the theory and practice gained during your academic studies in a real-life working context, and to appreciate the relevance of your degree; whilst having the time to learn organisational and personal skills and develop an awareness of the workplace culture.
At YMCA Humber we have the following pathways to offer:

Length of placement
It doesn't matter if your placement is for a week, month or throughout your current course, work placements with the YMCA Humber are flexible and aimed at helping you decide about your future career. During your placement you will discover what you enjoy about certain roles and the possibilities there are for long-term career development in your chosen field of work.
How to apply
To ensure all students have their placement registered alongside their current course, we ask all applicants to apply with the support of their tutor. Application forms can be downloaded from our website or through your University Placement Mentor.